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Lose weight fast - Ideal body weight can be achieved if you can do 10 landing at the top. It takes the process and effort, with 10 activities over my ideal weight flavor can be achieved.
How to calculate your ideal weight women
Female ideal body weight (kg) = (height (cm) - 100) - (15% x Height - 100)
For example, if a woman has no height 170cm, then how to calculate the ideal weight:
(170-100) - (15% x Height - 100) = 59.5 Kg
How to calculate your ideal weight men
Male ideal body weight = (height (cm) - 100) - (10% x Height - 100)
For example, if a man has a height of 180cm, then how to calculate the ideal weight:
(180-100) - (10% x Height - 100) = 72 Kg
Fast diet is a diet that is in the desire by many people, all want a quick but healthy diet. Many people assume that the fast diets are not good for health, but if we do it right, our bodies would remain fit and healthy even though we do a quick diet. Healthy food as a way to lose weight is good.
Read healthy foods to lose weight quickly (healthy diet).

Ideal Body Weight

Hcg diet - What is the hCG diet plan? This diet was first introduced by the British physician, Dr. ATW Simeon in the 1950s. He thoroughly studied the effects of the hormone HCG (chorionic gonadotropin hormone) as a tool for weight loss in obese patients, and found that hCG, a natural hormone in the body, can cause the human body to metabolize abnormal fat reserves and reprogram the hypothalamus.

HCG Diet has been applied more than 50 years and became one of the most popular diet programs. A number of television networks have covered this diet, such as NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox News and even Oprah.
And the HCG diet proved to have made a lot of people who live say weight loss is impressive, the average dropped from 0.2 to 04 kg per day. But many also report this HCG diet is not appropriate for them.
Weight loss program with the hCG diet plan reported to be effective, especially in people who have long struggled to lose weight for years and want to lose weight in large quantities (over 10 kg). Since its inception, thousands of people have tried this diet, some of them successfully lose weight quickly and efficiently. HCG diet plan focuses on low-calorie foods, followed by small doses of hCG, which bear fruit at a faster metabolism, so naturally the body's metabolism is accelerated, so that helps get rid of unwanted body fat.

Very alluring effect of hCG diet is to lose weight quickly. A number of people have reported successful diet to reduce weight up to 40 lbs (18 kg equivalent) in just 6 weeks, or approximately 0.4 kg per day. Another effect is, this diet plan generally does not cause hunger in the offender, or other symptoms commonly experienced by those who want to get off weight quickly

What is the hCG diet plan?

A healthy diet is a way to lose weight in a healthy manner. So that the body remains in good shape even though we're doing a healthy diet.
Healthy food is very important for our body, by consuming healthy food, we will be spared from various diseases.
Here are 10 healthy food for healthy weight:
Apples are easy fiber processed to fight cholesterol. Apples are also good sources of vitamin C. Apples to contain quecertin, plavanoid to avoid cancer.
Almonds are rich in fiber and protein, is also good for the source of iron, magnesium, and vitamin E. Consumption of raw almonds or has been in the process to obtain the best results.
Blueberries are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Other types of berries can also be an option that is equally good. Eaten time remain fresh for good health.
Spinach is useful for hair and skin because rich in iron, magnesium, and vitamins A and C.
Red beans
Edible beans have fiber, protein, iron, phosphorus, magnesium high, and several vitamins and minerals.
Broccoli is a good source of calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and C. In order to obtain the best results do not cook too cook and stay away from using the sauce and cheese too excessive.
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins. In yams are vitamins A, B, C, and E. Beyond that, potato is also low in calories.
Some major types of fish and seafood is a healthy choice, but salmon that is a fish that is most flattering with proteins and amino acids omega 3 high.
Wheat is rich in vitamin B3, thiamine or vitamin B1, iron, fiber, and vitamin E. Consumption of wheat can be a quick way to lose weight you.
Soy contains omega 3, calcium, and iron.

Healthy diet : Healthy Foods For Quick Ways to Lose Weight Ideal

How to lose weight the right is by doing physical activity is accompanied by the consumption of healthy eating. With the proportional weight of the body will be primed, spared from various diseases and has a nice body physical appearance. Physical appearance good body also having an impact positiif to high confidence.
Here's a quick way to lose weight:
1. Begin today!
Do it now, do not procrastinate, the more you delay the more lazy you. In the end it was never done. The sooner you do, the faster the results you can see.
2. Use a realistic goal
Define objectives at the beginning of the program. With a clear goal, it will be easier to achieve ideal weight. To increase motivation, hang hot pants or your favorite pair of jeans that have long been hiding in the closet, an eye-catching place.
3. Do not be imposed
You need 1200-1500 calories / day so that the body is always healthy. Chop up the remaining 600 calories to 800 calories / day will slow down the body's metabolic system. When the metabolism is slow, then the fat to accumulate in the body is also getting bigger. Instead slim, it could be that come disease.
4. Promote morning meal schedule
Do not negate breakfast. One study revealed that 4,000 people who successfully lose weight to those who could not forget breakfast. If you breakfast 9am 7am change so that the combustion power system begins early and quickly.
5. Check your breakfast menu
Start the day with breakfast 300-500 calories, but not only with the high fat diet. Choose a loaf of bread, use whole-wheat toast with 1 cup of salad, plus 1 egg omelet. Or, 100 grams of rice with 1 piece of fish plus 1 cup of vegetables.
6. Chewing was 36 times every meal!
Try calculation, what is the amount you chew at mealtime? If less than 36 times, try more. The longer you chew, the food will be more easily processed, you will also be easier to feel full.
7. Drink plenty of water
How to lose weight can drink plenty of water. Dehydration can interfere with the body's metabolism system. If you are diligent in drinking water of 1.5 liters or 8-10 cups / day, without any diet, the weight within a year you can go down to 2, 5 kg.
8. Motion
Sports round 60-90 minutes, 3-4 times a week, should be done. Combined aerobic form of jogging and walking, each alternating every 3 minutes, enough to burn fat efficiently. If never, walk around the house or in the office the whole 5 minutes each interval of one hour can burn 200-300 calories.
9. The more fiber
Fiber also has a major role in driving fat. The more fibers that enter the body, the sooner will the stool volume swell due shaped fiber absorbs water. Adults need 21 grams of fiber / day. If you commonly eat fruits and vegetables, increase the portion so 5 cup / day. Divided into 5 meals.
10. Is it enough to just fruit consumption?
You will easily starve if only eat vegetables or fruit. Enter the 15% -20% of protein in each of your menu to add metabolism. Digestive system needs power to do the metabolic system.

Weight loss diet : Healthy Diet For Health is slimming Natural

How to eliminate belly fat. Fat is so named, there may be people who will interpret negatively. When called fat word in the mind of a person may be associated with obesity and distended stomach. Needed by the body's own fat. The body still needs fat. But when it is excessive fat in the body will be a problem. Obesity will come to attack. If allowed to obesity can lead to the arrival of other diseases such as heart disease and others.
6 Ways to Reduce Stomach Fat

When the body of excess fat infestation it must be addressed immediately. One way is to exercise regularly. Moreover, the fat accumulates in the stomach so that the stomach seems chubby. For some people do find it difficult to shrink their stomachs. But if we know the right way is actually not as difficult as we thought. Here are some ways to lose fat in the stomach that you can do:
1. Exercise. Sports? Lazy? Aw man, if you are lazy to exercise, please enjoy your obesity alone! Sport is very important to maintain a healthy body condition. Exercise you can do to burn fat in your belly is with cardio. Ie such as brisk walking, sprinting, jogging, aerobics, cycling and more. For those of you who do not have time to go to the fitness and exercise, you can regularly jogging, brisk walking and cycling. Running and brisk walking is the most popular cardio workout. By running the entire body from head to toe will move, very good for burning fat and abdominal muscles. If you like fitness, you can also do these activities with the help of tools available in the fitness. You can add a portion of the weight-bearing exercise. For example, the first heating lift weights for 10-20 minutes. Then the next you can exercise using a treadmill running exercise and a stationary bike if it is wanted to cycling.
2. Drinking green tea. Tea does have many benefits that are no doubt. Type of polyphenol antioxidants contained in green tea is very beneficial for the health of the body, hair, skin and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition to a great antioxidant, green tea also contains a type of catechin called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is beneficial to increase the body's metabolism. EGCG function accelerates the rate of oxidation in fat and turn it into calories. Green tea is also believed to suppress appetite excess and detoxifies the body. Making it beneficial for weight loss and slimming. You can regularly consume green tea every day as complementary foods your diet.
3. Consume vitamin C is enough. If you want to lose and control your weight, the calories burned should be higher than the calories consumed. One of the best sources of calories is vitamin c. Research shows people who do not consume enough vitamin C is difficult to reduce the fat in the body rather than the high consumption of vitamin c. A low intake of vitamin C resulted in weight and increased waist size. Vitamin C is able to form carnitine. Carnitine is a compound that is able to convert fat into energy for the body. So that the accumulation of fat in the abdomen can be decomposed. Vitamin C is also useful as a companion to your diet with moderate exercise routine. Because exercise alone is not able to me-the fat-metabolism without an adequate intake of vitamin c. By taking vitamin C you help burn fat is processed in the sport. You can get vitamin C by eating vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamin C.
4. Eat protein and reducing sugars. Sugar is the 'enemy' for those of you who want to reduce fat in the abdomen. Make sure the food you consume each including low-sugar group even zero-sugar. You can use a non-caloric sugar like tropicana slim on every diet you. You can also replace it with honey instead of sugar and regularly consume low-fat dairy such as milk muscle. In addition to reducing sugar, you must consume protein. One of the reasons you need a useful protein to "fight" hunger. Longer protein than carbohydrate digestion process, so you do not easily able to control hunger and good food in the body. Protein consumption should exceed the consumption of carbohydrates. Type that is animal protein derived from animal and vegetable sourced from plants. Some foods that contain high animal protein, among others; eggs, fresh meat, salmon oil and a variety of various seafood (sea food). Cheese can also be consumed to replace meat. As for vegetable protein you can consume vegetables, soy and dairy, nuts and processed wheat (bread wheat). As for the fruits you can consume pineapple and potatoes.
5. Perform a healthy diet. There is no magic way to get rid of belly fat regardless of diet. Diet for weight loss usually begins with a program to burn fat in the stomach, because that's where the gathering place excessive fat accumulates. Take a healthy diet. A healthy diet is certainly not a diet that is torture. Consuming fiber really helps your diet program. A study showed that people who consume 10 grams of fiber per day can help you burn fat in the body. Tips you can do to help the process of diet that is consuming apples, green beans and drink green tea every day. With a balanced exercise and eating a healthy diet and getting enough rest.
6. Drink lots of water. Never underestimate the white water! Research shows that eating / drinking water consistently throughout the day can increase your metabolism more active. Drinking more water also helps the body to block the toxins that enter the body and improve your overall health. Drink a glass of water 8 times a day. Prepare a water bottle wherever you go and have a drink whenever you feel thirsty. You also should not consume alcohol, reduce the consumption of sugary drinks, sodas and carbonated beverages. Another trick is that you can drink water before breakfast or before eating. It aims to control hunger and overeating.
In addition to eliminating belly fat that has been mentioned above, you need to provide a sufficient portion for resting. Rest is best to sleep. Yes, you need at least 7-8 hours per day in order to be healthy and fit body. Research shows people who set aside time over 7 hours of sleep a day to be able to control excessive fat in the body. Therefore give enough portion to sleep, especially at night.
There are still many ways actually eliminate belly fat naturally you can do at home. The principle is to adjust your diet. Because you are what you eat. The more you eat with little activity, then the fat deposits in your body will be more and more. Balance what you eat with regular exercise.

How to lose belly fat : 6 Ways to Eliminate Belly Fat Naturally

Many ways by some people to lose weight. However, unfortunately, some of which are less safe, such as different methods of fat scraper. Select the right track!
Maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent obesity is a safer option and profitable. However, if the fat layer was first precipitated in the body, there are three main things you need to do immediately, that is: Keeping nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest.
Control of nutrients. Reduce consumption of carbohydrates and limit your intake of calories. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates, and avoid the consumption of high fat foods. Add brown rice and whole wheat bread as a carbohydrate choice. Besides, you also need to increase intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can be obtained from a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Exercise regularly. Do regular cardio exercise for a minimum of three times a week, with a duration of 30 minutes for each session. After 30 minutes, the body will burn fat and process them into energy. Insert also weight training so that the body more proportional. To avoid boredom, select a fun cardio exercise such as swimming, running, hiking or cycling. Do not forget stretching! In addition to the joints and muscles will flex -so that reduce the risk of injury, stretching the body will carry a variety of substances waste products of metabolism, such as lactic acid. This will facilitate the circulation of blood.
Regular sleep. Keep enough quality sleep, 6-8 hours per day. In addition to restoring the body after the move for a full day, an hour after you fall asleep, your body will start to produce growth hormone. This hormone plays a role repair cells damaged body. As a result, you get back healthy and fit when you wake up.

Best Way to Lose Weight